Die rechtliche Lage in der EU
Legal Standing: Illegal exept E-Scooter with handlebar
State/Province: All
Legal Standing: legal
Law/Code Reference: www.ejustice.just.fgov.be
By law considered as a "motorized locomotive device" for public roads,
- which is by design and structure limited to 25 km/h, and as a consequence has similar rights like a cyclist;
- when you are on the sidewalk and not going faster than a pedestrian, you are considered as a pedestrian.
Insurance recommended (possible to 45 km/h)
Date of Last Update: 01/2020
Legal Standing: legal
Riders on EUC are currently classified as pedestrans by law. In practice, the Police do not take any action against people riding PLEVs on bicycle roads or roadsides.Change in legislation is planned in 2020 that will limit PLEVs speed to 25 km/h and apply the same regulations as with bikes.
Date of Last Update: 07/2019
State/Province: All
Legal Standing: legal
Law/Code Reference: www.riigiteataja.ee
In the Traffictt Act, balancing scooters with 2 wheel are regulated. Top speed 20km/h, allowed in bicycle lanes/roads and footpaths. Under 16y helmet is compulsory. Nothing specifically is regulated about EUC. As a general rule, everything is allowed that is not specifically prohibited. Based on this one-wheel electric balanced scooter can be used in Estonia and classified as assisting device to pedestrians (up to spring 2020). There will be a new law published on this in 2020.
Cities with EUC communities (est. riders in city): Tallinn, Tartu, Parnu
Date of Last Update: 03/2019
Legal Standing: legal
Built in limitation to 25Km/h required. Allowed on bicycle paths or roads up to 50Km/h within city boundaries. Outside of cities, only bicycle paths allowed. Little enforcement if you behave. Liability insurance mandatory. France definitely has highest per capita ridership in the world.
Cities with EUC communities (est. riders in city): Total (10,000?): Paris (5,000?) and many other cities.
Date of Last Update: 03/2019
Legal Standing: Illegal
Law/Code Reference: www.rijksoverheid.nl
No approval for public roads
Hoverboards, electric skateboards and monowheels have no handlebars or seats. They therefore do not fall into any category of vehicles approved for use on the road. That is why you cannot drive it on public roads.
Date of Last Update: 01/2020
State/Province: All
Legal Standing: legal
Law/Code Reference: www.finlex.fi
Max. 1 kW and 25 km/h, no insurance or license required, same traffic rules as with bicycles. When travelling at walking speed (<15 km/h), devices may also be used on the footpath. Date of Last Update: 07/2021
Legal Standing: legal
Law/Code Reference: www.ejustice.just.fgov.be
Officialy classed as self-balancing personal transporter.
Can be ridden on sidewalks (*walking speed) or bikepaths (*bike speed)
except in areas marked by no segway signs (city center of Prague). *Whatever that means.
In reality one can ride anywhere and as long as common sense is used police action is rare.
Date of Last Update: 07/2019